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2023年5月inHIM系列 | 堅固 Fortify


We often hear that the collapse of an adult can happen in an instant. A single straw is enough to destroy the cumulative weight of disappointments. Do you remember the last time you had a breakdown? What caused it to bring you down?


古人云:“不如意事常八九,可与语人无二三。” 说的正是人生在世,经历的事情十件有八九件是不如人意的,但是能与之倾诉的人却少之又少。每当不如意来临时,你内心的回应机制是如何?沉溺在怨天尤人中,还是即便难受也咬咬牙转化负能量?

As the ancients said, there are many things in the world that don't go as planned, but finding someone to confide in can be difficult. When faced with disappointment, how do you typically respond? Do you wallow in self-pity, or do you try to transform the negative energy into something positive, even when it's difficult?


Whether you are unyielding or easily defeated depends on how strong your foundation is.



In fact, it is often the “invisible things" that determine the “visible outcomes". Life, this wise architect, has already laid the foundation. It's up to you how deeply you dig and how much you understand. We are like workers building on this foundation, if you don't understand, you may choose soft and fragile materials like grass, wood, or straw. When you fully appreciate and receive your life lessons, you may choose hard materials like gold, silver, and precious stones. Each one should build with care, because everyone's work will be revealed, and every environment is like a test of fire that will test the quality of each person's work. The projects that stand the test of time will be rewarded by this wise architect of life, while those that fail will suffer losses sooner or later.



May every environment become the best witness to your work and the best way to reinforce it. Choosing gold, silver, and precious stones may come at a high cost, but their strength can protect the boundaries that belong to you and allow you to be truly established.


In May, inHIM launched the “Fortify” collection, hoping that every construction you undertake will be a continuous process of fortification, and that you will gain a deeper understanding of the wisdom of the architect of life!

 Fortify Stripe Oversize T-shirtBattle Belongs Quick-Dry Oversize T-shirtinHIM Crop Polo with ZipperMicah 6:8 Oversize T-shirt (220G)Micah 6:8 Oversize T-shirt (260G)Micah 6:8 Unisex T-shirtinHIM Drawstring Crossbody Bag

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