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2024inHIM盛夏街頭系列|戰士 Warrior


This graduation season, does it also bring you back to the youthful days of the past? During this time, the hottest topic is undoubtedly how to find a job in a profession you love. Do you regret the choice you made back then?



It inevitably reminds people of a research on people over 60 years old. The research was about "What do you regret the most?" Nearly 70% of the respondents said, "Choosing the wrong career when they were young." What about you? Are you lost in choosing a profession and career, or are you prepared to embrace the surprises of the unknown? Recently, I chatted with a few good friends, and they all regretted choosing a "popular" profession back then. I couldn't help but wonder how many untold ups and downs of life are hidden behind this "popularity."



Recently I came across a quite heavy term, "second-hand life". Second-hand life refers to a life where all information, experiences, thoughts, and methods come from others. If others think something is good, you also believe it is good, thus copying others' lives. Some say that second-hand life is dragging down contemporary young people. Our world has long been accustomed to "mass production", not realizing that we are uniquely created by the Creator. When the "tailored you” face the huge pressure of "mass production" in society, accustomed to "being someone else", when you encounter your true self, you may become unfamiliar or even unrecognizable. Can you still hold on when you are at a loss?



Who am I - this is a question that we cannot escape from every second we are alive. This self-awareness will help us narrow down our path in the vast and fascinating world, just like a warrior constantly putting on gear until fully armed for battle, becoming braver as we fight on. By using different assessment tools to understand ourselves, we can find our own "specialty" and keep those aspects that were originally ours in the view of development. Some "special" talents are innate, but if we do not value and manage them properly, we may end up losing the opportunity...


迷茫並不可怕, 是認清事實,回到正軌的機會,或許,往前看還是模模糊糊,但往後看必是清清楚楚!願你成為內在有力量的人,活出屬於你的「一手人生」!

Feeling lost is not scary. It is an opportunity to face reality and return to the right path. Perhaps, looking ahead may be blurry, but looking back will definitely be clear! May you become a person with inner strength and live out your own unique life journey!

78月盛夏,inHIM推出「戰士 Warrior 」系列,這是一群有決心、有毅力、勇於戰勝困難的人,裝備適應性強,可穿戴所有類型的護甲和幾乎所有的武器,願你的內在力量撐起所有的裝備去面對一切已知/未知的挑戰!

In July and August, inHIM launches the "Warrior" collection. This is a group of determined, resilient individuals who are brave in overcoming difficulties. They are equipped with strong adaptability, able to wear all types of armor and almost all weapons. May your inner strength support all your equipment to face all known/unknown challenges!


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