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2024年inHIM初夏親子系列 | 煥然一新 A Complete Change


Is there someone that you really hope to meet again in a certain place, and then tell them, "I have changed," even changing your tone to be more sincere, saying, "I really have changed, a lot.”


Without intersections, life cannot be woven. Perhaps in the process of change, sometimes you tell yourself, "You don't need to explain your growth to anyone," and sometimes you secretly imagine if the other person knew the person you are today, would the outcome of the same past event change if you faced it today? Do you also often have such conversations with yourself? Then, after witnessing several sunsets and sunrises with a few people, and uttering a few promises that later became unsatisfactory, you realize that even the best people inevitably leave scars in someone's life trajectory. This is followed by a series (time is never too early or too late) of soul interrogations initiated by the mind for oneself: "Even if you have changed for the better now, what has happened has happened." A tired voice mutters to itself, saying: "Stop thinking about it, it's pointless to dwell on it." But still can't help but wonder, when facing an irretrievable past, is any change in vain?



May each of you with the same scars give yourself a chance to expand inward towards the depths of your soul; take what you have learned from mistakes, the washed away impurities, the star discovered in the darkest night, and the hands that unconditionally hold you tight, just like how a plant grows in any direction from the sprouting of a seed, undergoing a transformation from the inside out.


大多數時候,我們認得花朵卻想不起它還是種子的處境;遇見蝴蝶卻忘記了它還是毛毛蟲的模樣,以為是結不了果的荊棘,卻長成滿園的花;以為是受不了的重,卻發現原來自己可以舉重若輕,當松樹長出,代替荊棘;番石榴長出,代替蒺藜,看似很差的起點,可以領你到最意想不到的結局,A Complete Change ,就是無法依常理解釋的結果,與盼望面對面的真實過程。願你經歷這個A Complete Change 的完全過程,與那個更新、更好的你握手言和!

Most of the time, we recognize flowers but forget about their origins as seeds; we encounter butterflies but overlook their previous form as caterpillars. We may think of thorns that cannot bear fruit, but they grow into a garden of flowers; we may think of unbearable burdens, but discover that we can lift them effortlessly. When pine trees grow to replace thorns, and pomegranates replace brambles, a seemingly poor starting point can lead you to the most unexpected outcome. "A Complete Change" is a result that cannot be explained by common sense, and it is the real process of facing hope face to face. May you experience the complete process of "A Complete Change" and shake hands with the renewed, better version of yourself!


2024初夏,inHIM推出「煥然一新 」親子系列,在這個生命力旺盛的季節,願你生如夏花之絢爛,將生命中的盛夏代代相傳。

In the early summer of 2024, inHIM launched “A Complete Change" collection. In this vibrant season of life, may you shine brightly like a summer flower, passing down the abundance of summer in life from generation to generation.

inHIM New Creation Unisex T-shirtElevation Unisex T-shirtinHIM Colorblock Unisex T-shirtTransformation Unisex T-shirtComplete Change Colorblock T-shirt KidsRedefine T-Shirt Kids

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