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2024年1月inHIM系列 | 堅強 Be Strong


In 2023, are you feeling tired? Do you often put on a face of "I'm not tired", "I'm fine", "I can handle it" to make those around you feel that "I'm strong"? How much of your past strength is real? How difficult is it to be strong? Some say, "The strength of adults is actually very fragile. Fragile to the point that a small thing, a lyrics from a song, can shatter all their pretense.”


很喜歡堅強這個詞的解釋,「堅固、不可摧毀、不動搖;使堅強」。多少次,我們的堅強只剩下虛有其表的空殼,一擊即破。聽過一句這樣的話:「有時候唯一能改變故事的結局,就是進到別人的故事裡面。」 兩個人總比一個人好,因為二人勞碌同得美好的果效。若是跌倒,這人可以扶起他的同伴。我們常鼓勵自己,鼓勵別人要堅強,卻忘記開放自己最軟弱的那一面讓別人進入,害怕被貼上「懦弱、無能、沒用」…的標籤,越隱藏,越害怕,越害怕,越隱藏.....網絡中出現了一群「最熟悉的陌生人」,評論區的點贊成了相互取暖相互理解的「秘密基地」。

I really like the explanation of the word "strong" - "firm, indestructible, unshakable; to make strong". How many times is our strength just an empty shell, easily shattered? I've heard a saying like this: "Sometimes the only way to change the ending of a story is to step into someone else's story." Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. We often encourage ourselves and others to be strong, but forget to open up our own weaknesses to let others in, afraid of being labeled as "weak, incapable, useless"... The more we hide, the more afraid we become, and the more afraid we become, the more we hide... The internet has seen a group of "familiar strangers" who have created a "secret base" in the comments section, where they support and understand each other.



All strong resilience comes from inner strength. By exploring our hidden inner selves, daring to be vulnerable and soft, we can develop resilience just like training our muscles. Training is a gradual process, and the first few days are always painful and challenging, making it the hardest time to persevere and the most tempting to give up. However, this is the necessary path to building muscle memory. Similarly, facing our own weaknesses with courage, not losing hope, and overcoming every challenge from within can transform them into a source of strength.



You have the courage to end the twisted trap of stubbornness, harvest true strength, achieve inner victory, and become your "core strength" by relying on that strong love, rewriting the ending of the story.

1月,inHIM推出「堅強Be Strong」系列,願你坦然無懼,經歷堅強的愛,將軟弱轉化成堅強的力量,化軟弱為喜樂。

In January, inHIM launched the "Be Strong" collection, wishing you fearlessly experience strong love, transforming weakness into strength, turning weakness into joy.

Strong Love Oversize SweatshirtBe Strong TeeDon't Lose Hope HoodieKeep Moving Forward SweatshirtRejoice Hoodie

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