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2023年9月inHIM系列 | 養精蓄銳 Rest to Rise


Have you ever experienced moments when you couldn't let go? During those times, you doubted yourself, felt worthless, and cared too much about what others thought. Is that an accurate depiction of you? Did it lead you to constantly prove your worth through external actions and efforts, leaving you feeling tense and unable to let go for an extended period of time, ultimately turning you into an empty shell?



This time, inHIM wants to share a real experience with you. In the past, I couldn't let go of many things, afraid of losing friendships, fearing a loss of self-worth, and worrying that the team would no longer need me. Every day was lived under the shadow of fear, accompanied by an irresistible emotional instability, low self-esteem, and a sense of powerlessness. I always thought that what I did was not good enough, even meaningless, and found myself deeply immersed in a negative whirlpool, unable to break free.

偶然間讀到一篇網文,其中一句話讓我尤為深刻:「如果你想起來,你就得休息。」 原理就像做麵包一樣,若想烘焙出軟而蓬松的麵包,就得讓酵母真正發酵,揉面後休息醒面,靜息讓麵筋放鬆,達到最佳狀態。

By chance, I came across an online article, and one sentence struck a chord with them: "If you want to rise, you’ve got to rest. Rest to rise." The principle is similar to baking bread. If you want to bake soft and fluffy bread, you need to let the yeast ferment properly, let the dough rest after kneading, and allow the gluten to relax, reaching its optimal state.


其實人也一樣,當被繁雜瑣事壓得喘不過氣,在負面情緒中掙扎時,不妨學習一下「麵包」的誕生過程,被「揉」過後,找到一個「心」安放的場所,用真正的Me Time(私人時間)抱抱自己,卸下環境或自己無形中銬上的情緒枷鎖,和自己和好,進入真正的休息。可以是抬頭看看天空述說心中的難受,可以是放心地睡一場沒有鬧鐘的覺,可以是坐在舒適的餐廳享受一頓治癒的美食,也可以是…….相信總有一種方式適合你,讓靈魂的更新蘇醒再次製造驚喜,以至於我們可以繼續努力奔跑,回到一個不被重擔纏累的清醒狀態。

In fact, people are the same. When overwhelmed by trivial matters and struggling with negative emotions, it might be helpful to learn from the process of baking bread. After being "kneaded," find a place where your "heart" can rest, embrace yourself with true 「Me Time」, let go of the emotional shackles imposed by the environment or yourself, make peace with yourself, and enter a state of genuine rest. It could be looking up at the sky and expressing the discomfort in your heart, having a peaceful sleep without an alarm clock, enjoying a healing meal in a comfortable restaurant, or any other method that suits you. Believe that there is always a way that suits you, allowing your soul to awaken and create surprises again, so that you can continue to strive and return to a clear state free from heavy burdens.


May you find a resting place for your heart, enter true inner peace, regain the courage to face yourself, learn to let go and release, shed the old self, put on the new self, and manifest a renewed style!


9月,inHIM推出「養精蓄銳Rest to Rise」系列,願你的「休息」是一個與自己和好的過程,放鬆自己,給自己多一點時間,休息是為了更好地前進。

In September, inHIM launches the "Rest to Rise" collection, hoping that your "rest" will be a process of reconciliation with yourself, relaxing and giving yourself more time. Rest is for a better journey forward.

Rest to Rise Colorblock TeeC&R Oversize T-ShirtC&R inHIM Oversize  T-ShirtinHIM Sweatshirt with Slit HemPut on the New Self SweatshirtTrustworthy Outdoor Jacket (Waterproof)

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